Showing posts with label secure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label secure. Show all posts

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Private and Encryped Email Services! Stay Private While You Email! is an encrypted email service, this is where you can send emails and still have your privacy! from A Hushmail Express message must be composed in a Hushmail-enabled email client, and delivered via a Hushmail email router. All messages are RFC822 email messages that may include MIME-formatted attachments, and all encryption occurs according to the OpenPGP standard.

Sendinc lets you send encrypted emails, and you even have an encryption key per email you send! More from Sendinc: Your recipients simply need a web browser to read a secure message. Sendinc encrypts each message with a key emailed to your recipients in the form of a link. Encryption keys are not stored by Sendinc - only your recipients can unlock and read the messages you send.

Monday, October 13, 2014

How To Make an Uncrackable Password

Today I'm going to show you how to make an uncrackable password. Lets get started by naming the most common passwords, meaning don't use these!
4.)Your date of birth

(25 Most Used Passwords, by CBSNews)

Now you might be wondering, how on Earth do I make a strong password, that is not crackable? Here is how!

1.)Make sure your password is atleast 10 characters long
2.)Don't use sequenced letters or numbers or words(Ex.:2235, or paassword, or passpassword)
3.)Always use a symbol(Ex.:!,@,#,$,%)
4.)Always have 1 capitalized, and lower cased letter

Why do you have to do this? Because password crackers uses the dictionary, and numbers to crack your password, so if you have a capitalized letter, lower case letter, one number, and a symbol, these password crackers cannot crack your password. An example password would be like "MyP@sSw0rd!"